Product updates

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Dirichi Ike-Njoku
Dirichi Ike-NjokuΒ·2 years ago

Improving the UX for our user onboarding

At the moment onboarding new organisations onto Octofreight takes about a day. We have to schedule in-person tutorials and also do some manual set up. This limits our ability to grow the user-base.

We're trying to address that over the coming weeks. The goal is to build an onboarding process that enables customers to process orders within 5 minutes, and to eliminate the manual setup and handholding required.

I'd also like to take a stab at a "scientific" approach to building, where, for each feature, we state assumptions about the impact on the user base, and then after release, we measure actual impact (through A/B tests ideally).

Excited about this project and will share more updates soon 😊


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