Product updates

Updates are submitted by product team members

Mohameth Seck
Mohameth Seck·2 years ago
Software Engineer Educator

A New Direction

I wanted to take a moment to share an update about the current status of our project, Jambaar.

After much consideration and discussion, my partner and I have decided to postpone the development of Jambaar for the time being. This decision comes as a result of multiple factors, including personal commitments outside of the project that requires our attention. Additionally, we have been exploring the potential for pivoting to a different idea and refining our vision for Jambaar.

While we are excited about the prospects of taking Jambaar in a new direction, we recognize that this process requires time and thoughtful experimentation. As such, we will be putting our plans on hold temporarily as we test, iterate, and refine our approach.

Our commitment to creating a valuable and innovative product remains steadfast, and we believe that taking this time to reassess our strategy will ultimately result in a stronger offering for Senegalese.


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