Norrsken Foundation
News articles published about this entity.

TechCrunch - Nov 15, 2023
Why Norrsken founder Niklas Adalberth is betting on Africa
Niklas Adalberth, co-founder of Klarna, exited the company in 2016 to establish the Norrsken Foundation. The Norrsken Foundation has evolved into a multifaceted entity, including a venture capital firm and multiple impact-driven co-working spaces and foundation hubs globally.

TechCabal - Nov 13, 2023
This Swedish non-profit has big dreams for tech startups in Kigali
Sweden's Norrsken Foundation has invested $20 million in Norrsken House Kigali, Rwanda's first impact unicorn. The foundation hopes to make Kigali a nerve center for African technology companies and plans to set up similar hubs in other countries if successful.
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