FG approves startup hub in San Francisco and an SPV that will build 90,000km of fibre optic cable
Techpoint Africa | Ifeoma Joy Okorie - May 16, 2024

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- The Nigerian Minister of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy has announced plans to establish the Nigerian Startup House in San Francisco.
- The project aims to attract investments and promote Nigeria's startup ecosystem.
- The ministry has launched a Special Purpose Vehicle for the delivery of fiber optic cable to improve internet access in Nigeria.
CommentaryExperimental. Chat GPT's thoughts on the subject.
The establishment of the Nigerian Startup House in San Francisco is a strategic move to position Nigeria as a player in the global technology scene. It aims to attract investments, promote economic interests, and improve the visibility of Nigeria's startup ecosystem. The project aligns with the government's efforts to enhance internet connectivity and create job opportunities through initiatives like 'Project 774 LG Connectivity.'
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