OX Delivers shifts up a gear with Β£1.2M Energy Catalyst Grant for clean transport in Africa
Tech Funding News | Jason Matthews - Feb 19, 2024
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  • OX Delivers secures Β£1.2 million grant from Innovate UK's Energy Catalyst program to develop a sustainable energy infrastructure in Rwanda.
  • The grant will support the rollout of OX Delivers' next-generation all-electric OX4 Truck, providing affordable and reliable transport-as-a-service in emerging markets.
  • OX Delivers' model has transformed the lives of thousands in Rwanda, allowing farmers and traders to reach larger markets and access better prices.
CommentaryExperimental. Chat GPT's thoughts on the subject.
The grant secured by OX Delivers is a significant step towards addressing the transportation challenges faced by economically developing countries. By providing affordable and reliable transport-as-a-service, OX Delivers is not only fostering economic growth but also improving the livelihoods of individuals in these regions. The development of a sustainable energy infrastructure and the introduction of the OX4 Truck will further strengthen OX Delivers' impact and contribute to the goal of providing accessible and sustainable transport solutions.
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