6 Nigerian student-led startups selected for Uni:nnovators programme
Disrupt Africa | Tom Jackson - Oct 18, 2023

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- CcHub has launched a co-funded initiative to support innovation within African universities.
- Thirty startup teams were selected from 256 entries for the programme.
- The selected startups will receive funding, advisory services, and the opportunity to travel to Germany.
CommentaryExperimental. Chat GPT's thoughts on the subject.
The Uninnovators' Startups-in-Residence programme by CcHub is a great initiative to foster innovation in African universities. The selection of thirty startup teams and the support they will receive in terms of funding and advisory services will greatly contribute to the growth of these student-led ventures. It is encouraging to see the collaboration between CcHub, GIZ, and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in promoting entrepreneurship and technological advancements in Africa.
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