7 questions about Zone's blockchain-powered PoS payment gateway and what makes it special
Techpoint Africa | Bolu Abiodun - Jun 20, 2024
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  • Zone launched Africa's first decentralised PoS payment gateway.
  • The gateway promises speed, frictionless payment, and reduced chargeback and fraud.
  • Zone's decentralised gateway makes each PoS provider a switch and enables direct connections between institutions on the blockchain network.
CommentaryExperimental. Chat GPT's thoughts on the subject.
Zone's launch of Africa's first decentralised PoS payment gateway is a significant development in the fintech landscape. The gateway's promise of speed, frictionless payment, reduced chargeback, and fraud, along with same-day settlement, can greatly benefit businesses and consumers. However, the success of the decentralised gateway relies on the participation of more financial institutions on the blockchain network.
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