Mali lifts Starlink ban, Liberia says welcome
Techpoint Africa | Victoria Fakiya - Oct 14, 2024

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AI-generated highlightsThe most relavant information from the article.
- Mali lifts seven-month ban on Starlink satellite Internet kits.
- Liberia signs a one-year licensing deal with Starlink to boost Internet coverage.
- NITDA gives SiBAN two weeks to resolve leadership issues.
CommentaryExperimental. Chat GPT's thoughts on the subject.
The lifting of the Starlink ban in Mali and the licensing deal in Liberia represent significant steps towards improving Internet access in these regions, which is crucial for economic growth and education. However, the internal strife within SiBAN poses a risk to the blockchain sector's credibility and could hinder its development in Nigeria. Addressing these leadership issues promptly is essential for maintaining trust and fostering innovation in the tech industry.
SummaryA summary of the article.
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