SAβs MTN introduces new ESD programme, to up SMME procurement spend by $209m
Disrupt Africa | Tom Jackson - Oct 24, 2023

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- MTN South Africa launched Xlerator, an ESD programme, to increase procurement spend by ZAR4 billion with 51% black-owned SMMEs.
- Xlerator aims to double the number of SMMEs on MTN's supplier database and provide support through business strategy development, skills development, and improved funding access.
- Payabill, a South African SME financing startup, has been chosen as one of the finance partners for the Xlerator programme.
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The launch of MTN South Africa's Xlerator programme demonstrates their commitment to progress, innovation, and empowerment. By increasing procurement spend with black-owned SMMEs and providing support for their growth, MTN is contributing to the development of a more inclusive and connected business ecosystem in South Africa.
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