African Agrifood Startups Invited to Compete for $1 Million in THRIVE Global Impact Challenge
Tech In Africa | Grace Ashiru - Jun 27, 2024

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- The THRIVE Global Impact Challenge is inviting applications from African agrifood startups for a chance to win a $1 million prize.
- The goal of the challenge is to help fund the transition towards a net-zero agricultural future.
- Finalists will present their innovative solutions to investors, government officials, and industry leaders on November 7.
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The THRIVE Global Impact Challenge presents a great opportunity for African agrifood startups to receive funding and support for their innovative solutions. The focus on creating a more sustainable future for agriculture aligns with the United Nations' goals and the net-zero agricultural future. The $1 million prize and benefits offered to the winning company can significantly boost their growth and impact in the industry.
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