Nigeria’s AltSchool Africa to receive support from Rwanda’s $30m tech fund
TechCabal | Hannatu Asheolge - Nov 14, 2023
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  • AltSchool Africa will receive funding from the Rwandan government to help its next phase.
  • AltSchool Africa will receive strategic assistance from Intellecap, fully paid for by the Rwandan Innovation Fund, to plan for its next growth phase.
  • AltSchool raised $3 million in April 2023, with participation from Angaza Capital, a VC firm that co-manages the Rwandan Innovation Fund.
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The funding and strategic assistance from the Rwandan government and Intellecap will be instrumental in AltSchool Africa's growth and expansion. AltSchool's focus on providing online learning and skills development for African youth is crucial in addressing the persistent problem of youth unemployment in the region. With the support of the Rwandan Innovation Fund, AltSchool has the potential to make a significant impact in the African edtech space.
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