Investing in Innovation Africa (i3) supported 60 startups in two years, gets more selective in third cohort
Techpoint Africa | Chimgozirim Nwokoma - Jan 27, 2025

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- i3 supported 60 startups across two cohorts.
- The third cohort will support only 15 startups, including 10 early-stage and 5 growth-stage companies.
- i3 has facilitated 450 introductions to donors and health agencies.
CommentaryExperimental. Chat GPT's thoughts on the subject.
The i3 program demonstrates a successful model for supporting startups in Africa, particularly in the healthtech sector. Its focus on tailored support and partnership facilitation is crucial for the growth of these companies. However, the challenges faced in Francophone Africa highlight the need for ongoing advocacy and policy reform to support innovation in the region.
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